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Providing Total Security Envelope !

Our services are professional, focusing on efficiency maintaining quality through embedded quality management.


SecEng service portfolio is summarized below.


Please contact us for more details.


Provides customized security plans, creating the security envelope based on client's Operational Concept Design.


There are three stages of planning:

  • The Security Concept Design which entails the Risk and Vulnerability Assessment and the Master Security Plan. Providing risk definition and risk mitigation.

  • Detailed Design, detailing element location on AutoCAD, providing Cut-Sheets and recommended budget based on initial BOQ.

  • Tender Process including RFP/RFI documents, BOQ, and vendor selection process.


Guiding the client through a sensitive period, such as acquisitions, merger, change of strategy, etc. 

Periods pron to conflicts that can impact the business directives.


Our support includes the creation of a platform that provides proactive prevention solutions based on:

  • Information Gathering and Initial Analysis

  • Defining Mitigation Goals

  • Continuous Situation Analysis

  • Physical Security Support


Providing operational guidelines to management and employees; how to prepare for evacuation, and how to relocate/evacuate during a crisis.


The Plan will include:

  • Procedures detailing decision making, team formation and responsibilities.

  • Enhanced relevant threat definition.

  • List of the procedures specific to the preparation stage.

  • List of procedures specific to relocation of employees from SOURCE AREA to a safer location in the vicinity.

  • List of procedures specific to the evacuation of employees from the origin (country/zone) to the pre-determined target destination (country/zone).  


Implementing an optimized security system in a constantly changing environment, while staying within organizational constraints, relating to budget, culture, and the business directives.


This service is done in two main steps:

  • Gap definition and Analysis through Audit and Red Teaming. Resulting in definition of expectations, risks, and gaps.

  • Implementing improvements in a modular manner. including process definitions, training, and drills and simulations


Prepare for any nature borne or man-made catastrophes that are likely to impact critical business operations.


We provide implementation guidelines for preparation, continuity and recovery, creating an organizational standard integrated into relevant operations.


The standard will identify critical activities, the resources and the outputs, assuring resilience to critical processes. 


SecEng experience includes close client support in proactive preventative information collection and in investigations which are part of a business crisis. 


Process oriented investigative operations, together with out-of-the-box thinking, international experience and on-ground local investigators, SecEng defines the Goal, the objectives and information packets needed, and then sets out to collect.


The collection methods vary, depending on the objective, risk, exposure, culture and the time factor.



SecEng training is based on global operational skillsets and years of global experience gained by our trainers.


We are focused on enhancing the ability to deal with organizational matters, be it physical security at the guard level, security management skills in extreme emergency situations, and specialized employee training.


Our training portfolio is diverse; each training session suited to the client’s needs and expectations.


The training is hands-on and interactive, aimed to provide understanding and experience. 


Audits and reviews customized to client’s requirements, either based on client’s templates or on SecEng templates.


The aim of the Audit is presenting the client with gaps found, between expectations and need Vs. current situation of operations.


SecEng is experienced in auditing:

  • Physical Security

  • Anti-Bribery and Corruption

  • Information Security

  • Phytosanitary

  • Supply Chain 

  • Loss Prevention

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